Taylor Hooton Foundation > Hoot’s Corner > Podcasts > Episode 88: CrossFit Comeback – Tony Turski
January 10, 2023
Episode 88: CrossFit Comeback – Tony Turski

The ALL ME® Podcast

CrossFit Comeback – Tony Turski

Over the years, we have heard many stories within the world of Appearance and Performance Enhancing Substances. In this episode, we hear a story from someone that made a mistake with these substances. Tony Turski is a competitive CrossFit athlete. He started and still runs his own CrossFit gym and has competed in many CrossFit games over the years. After having early success in those games, Tony ended up testing positive for a banned substance in the 2017 games. We talk to Tony about his background in CrossFit, what he tested positive for, why he made that decision, and how he felt after he received the news.

An important part of Tony’s story is what he did after his positive test. He received a four-year suspension, and it would have been easier for him to leave the sport. He decided to face the news head on and own his mistake so that others can learn from it. He will tell us how his gym responded to the news, what the next steps were, and why he is back competing today. He will also share his advice for anyone out there considering the use of these substances, and inspire us all to achieve our goals the right way!

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