Taylor Hooton Foundation > Hoot’s Corner > Podcasts > Episode 49: Drug Testing – Mike Colello
August 10, 2021
Episode 49: Drug Testing – Mike Colello

The ALL ME® Podcast

Drug Testing – Mike Colello

Drug testing is a crucial component to the Anti-Doping Process, but many people do not realize the science behind that process. How does it work? What is the science behind it? How are samples analyzed? In this episode we dive into the world of drug testing with Mike Colello, the National Sales Manager for Aegis Sciences Corporation. Aegis runs one of the largest drug testing labs in the country for a variety of clients, and Mike will give us an insight into how their lab works and what a drug testing program looks like.

In this episode we talk with Mike about his background, what substances is he currently seeing people test positive for, how they keep up with the new substances that are constantly being created, as well as the tremendous partnership that Aegis and the Taylor Hooton Foundation share. Mike and Aegis has always ensured that their clients also hear our message as part of their program, and we are truly grateful for their support over the years!

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