Taylor Hooton Foundation > Hoot’s Corner > Podcasts > Episode 117: Ashwagandha – Roy Upton
June 4, 2024
Episode 117: Ashwagandha – Roy Upton

The ALL ME® Podcast

Ashwagandha – Roy Upton

Sometime during the 2022 – 2023 school year our speakers began getting a lot of questions about Ashwagandha.  It was like the questions were coming out of left field and we couldn’t figure out why students were all of a sudden interested in this herbal product.  Together we worked as a team to find an expert in the field of Herbal Medicine and someone who was well versed about Ashwagandha.   Thanks to some of our partners we were introduced to the President and Executive Director of the American Herbal Pharmacopeia, Roy Upton.

If you have ever had questions about or were interested in Herbal Medicine you’re going to want to tune into this podcast.  Roy is a wealth of information but what you will quickly hear and understand is how passionate he is about this topic. 

·         What is Ashwagandha?

·         Can he help with stress and anxiety?

·         Is it safe?

·         Where does it come from?

These are the questions we were getting from students following our ALL ME Assembly programs.  We promised all students that we’d get to work on finding someone who could teach us more about this topic and interview them on this podcast.   In this podcast you’re going to learn a lot not only about Ashwagandha, but also the world of Herbal Medicine.  Below you will find a list of resources from the topics we discuss in this podcast.  Thank you for tuning in.

WebMD:  What is Ashwagandha?  https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-953/ashwagandha 


Ayurveda:  A natural system of medicine that originated in India more than 3,000 years ago.

Adaptogen:  Herbs that support the body’s ability to deal with stress (anxiety, fatigue, trauma, infection, etc…)

American Herbal Pharmacopeia:  https://herbal-ahp.org/

KSM 66 Ashwagandha:  https://ksm66ashwagandhaa.com/ 

Mountain Rose Herbs:  https://mountainroseherbs.com/

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