Since 2008, ALL ME® assemblies have been offered to schools and other venues with proven results on the positive impact our programs have on its audiences.
The program has been studied for effectiveness by two groups, the Rhode Island Interscholastic League (RIIL) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health and Services Administration (SAMHSA) of the Federal Government.
Rhode Island Interscholastic League (RIIL)
Was the presentation to your students, athletes, coaches, and parents impactful?

ALL ME® assemblies were presented to more than 11,000 students in high schools across the state of Rhode Island. A 10% sample was taken before and after these assemblies to measure the effectiveness of the program in raising awareness and attitudes.
10 high schools from around the country were selected to participate in an ALL ME® assembly. Before and after testing was conducted to determine shifts in knowledge and attitudes as they related to Appearance and Performance Enhancing Substances. Below are the results from 793 randomly selected students.
“I am privileged to write this letter and give a resounding endorsement for the Taylor Hooton Foundation and the All Me Assemblies. When I was first approached by the Foundation, I was concerned with how their presentation would be received. That hesitation was immediately erased by the way Donald Hooton Jr. captured interest and relayed his message. The combination of a low-key presentation, down to earth language, eye-catching videos, and attention-grabbing statistics had our staff and student-athletes engaged.
The biggest benefit of the presentation was that it inspired an open discussion among coaches, student-athletes and staff regarding appearance and performance enhancing drugs and supplement usage. These topics are often overlooked in conversations with young people and their importance cannot be ignored as we strive to protect our student-athletes. I would enthusiastically recommend the Taylor Hooton Foundation and the All Me Assemblies. I look forward to continued collaboration.”
Stacey J. Higgins, Assistant Athletics Director-Sports Health, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
“Little League International welcomes the opportunity to work with Don Hooton and the Taylor Hooton Foundation to support the education of coaches and parents regarding the use of anabolic steroids and appearance and performance enhancement drugs (APEDs). With more than one million volunteers, including 600,000 coaches, many of whom are parents of Little Leaguers, we expect to reach an important audience with a critical message.
Parents need to understand the hazards and consequences of APED use, and it is our hope that we can make many more aware by getting them information available from the Taylor Hooton Foundation.”
Stephen D. Keener, President and CEO, Little League Baseball and Softball
“I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for bringing your very important message to our students this morning. It was apparent, based on their attention to you, that they really heard what you were saying. What a wonderful tribute to Taylor that you all impact the lives of our students with his story. I have no doubt you changed a life today.”
HS Principal
“The Foundation has found a way to meet kids where they stand. They use an informal platform to talk to student about some very real, very scary and very accessible products by simply interacting with them in relatable ways and saying “yep, I can relate to you. I did it once. And I’m here today to teach you about ways you can avoid the mistakes I made. I’m here today to protect you”. Through anecdotal evidence, evidence based science, and simply showing our kids the ways in which the supplement industry works to profit from their insecurities, the Taylor Hooton Foundation has started a healthy and informed conversation amongst our educators, kids, coaches, and staff with regards to better options for health and wellness.”
The Noble and Greenough School
“I want to sincerely thank you for the presentation you delivered to our students on Appearance and Performance Enhancing Substances. It is such an important topic yet one that is often difficult to address with all of our athletes. Your presentation was not only informative but entertaining as well. It was refreshing to see the athletes very focused during your presentation, and also to see them laughing at several points throughout. I was thrilled to hear our athletes discuss the topic of supplements and PEDs with their peers and staff in the days that followed your presentation. Many athletes came to speak to me directly to inquire about specific products they were current taking or to help them evaluate products that they were considering taking. I truly believe that your presentation opened the door to several conversations that may never have happened otherwise.”
George Mason University
“I wanted to reach out and thank you for the fantastic presentation you delivered to our student athletes on the topic of Supplements and Performance Enhancing Substances. We found the presentation to be information and eye-opening, but more importantly down to earth and easy for our student athletes to follow along with. I would absolutely recommend the Taylor Hooton Foundation and as our leadership advisor, who sat in on the presentation, put it “This may have saved a life tonight.”
Purdue University
“Thank you for coming to speak to the athletic administration, staff, and athletes at the University of Utah. The topics you covered made me realize what an issue steroid and supplement use is among athletes today. In addition, as a parent, your presentation made me more cognizant of the images our kids deal with on a daily basis-images to make their bodies look good at all costs. As an staff we plan to increase the amount of education given to our athletes on this topic. You are fighting a cause that affects us all on a daily basis.”
The University of Utah
“The program is very informative and straight forward. The style made the students quite comfortable and held their attention through the entire program. Proper nutrition and supplement education is a daily battle at the small college level. The message that I interpreted as “food first” was much needed as today’s student athletes look for the quick and easiest fix. They also often fall prey to the fancy marketing provided by the supplement industry. I highly recommend the nutrition program from the Hooton Foundation. I know it opened the eyes of our students. As with all of the work done by the group, it is first class.”
Saint Vincent College