THF Board Member Doug Haussler visits Toronto to support his Texas Rangers

Doug and Kristine Haeussler, from Prosper, Texas, made friends of Blue Jays fan Manolo Rosales, who was strongly encouraging they join him and a friend at the nearby Steam Whistle brewery after they had sat together for the whole game.
“Once people found out we weren’t from Toronto and we had flown here from Texas, they were very friendly,” Doug Haeussler said. “It was nothing like the atmosphere in New York for away fans.”
Haeussler, a director of the Taylor Hooton Foundation, was even cheering for the Jays’ Jose Bautista, who has been involved with the foundation’s “All Me PED Free” initiative, which encourages young baseball players to avoid taking steroids or similar drugs.
The only time Haeussler felt “worried” was when the Jays scored in the sixth inning when the Jays climbed back to make it 4-3.“The fans were great, we’re really enjoying it here. They definitely got louder and louder towards the end of the game,” he added.
A few other fans from Texas were spotted amidst a sea of blue.Ellen Kemper and her husband Randy Kemper flew in from Dallas just for the game — and to see Toronto. Ellen brought that famous Texas charm up north, wishing Jays fans good luck even when they booed her and her husband. “If y’all get past us we’ll route for you. We have nothing against Toronto . . . Unless they play the Rangers,” she said.