STATEMENT BY DON HOOTON re: Digital Citizens Alliance Report on Digital Platforms Enabling the Sale of Illegal Appearance and Performance-Enhancing Drugs
Monday, September 16, 2019
Founder and Executive Chairman, Taylor Hooton Foundation
RE: Digital Citizens Alliance Report on Digital Platforms Enabling
the Sale of Illegal Appearance and Performance-Enhancing Drugs
“This is a bone-chilling report and should serve as a call to action for these popular digital platforms that the advertising and sale of these extremely dangerous and illegal substances on their sites must stop. It’s time for these digital platforms, like Facebook and Google, to stop turning a blind eye and to stop allowing, even enabling, drug dealers to conduct business on their sites. Appearance and Performance Enhancing Substances carry serious health risks that can have significant harmful implications for athletes and non-athletes alike, including heart attacks, kidney and liver damage, severe depression, and even death.”
The six-month Digital Citizens Alliance (DCA) investigation and its ensuing report found that companies distributing the illegal substances advertised by using various social media sites to reach their often underage target audience, with no age-related barriers in place to prohibit youth from purchasing the substances.
The Taylor Hooton Foundation works every day to educate young people and adult influencers on the serious health risks associated with using Appearance and Performance Enhancing Substances. The Foundation conducts educational assemblies primarily at middle school, high school and college campuses—as well as at all 30 MLB ballparks with the full support of Major League Baseball—that teach students and adults about the dangers of using Appearance and Performance Enhancing Substances, including anabolic steroids, Human Growth Hormone (HGH), unregulated dietary supplements and others.
The Taylor Hooton Foundation hopes that this report serves as a “call to action” and also ignites new conversations about how to educate young people about the dangers associated with these substances and how to keep them safe online.
To view the full
DCA Steroids Report, please visit
(click here).
CONTACT: Rick Cerrone / Rick Cerrone Communications