Taylor Hooton Foundation > Hoot’s Corner > General > FDA Health Adivisory: Body Building Supplements can be Dangerous
October 19, 2009
FDA Health Adivisory: Body Building Supplements can be Dangerous
Although I am delinquent in posting this article, I thought it important to our visitors to make sure that you are all aware that some supplements that can be purchased in your local health food store can be just as dangerous as the anabolic steroids that you read about on this web site.

As documented in other articles posted here in Hoot’s Corner, a number of supplements (as much as 20%) that were pulled randomly off health food store shelves were found to be contaminated with either steroids or stimulants banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency. This FDA Public Health Advisory addresses specifically those supplements that contain steriods or steroid-like ingredients.



The FDA is notifying the public about new safety information concerning products marketed for body building and increasing muscle mass. The FDA has sent a Warning Letter to a manufacturer of body building supplements that claim to contain steroid-like ingredients, but in fact contain synthetic steroids. The products named in the Warning Letter are marketed by American Cellular Laboratories, Inc., and include “TREN-Xtreme,” “MASS Xtreme,” “ESTRO Xtreme,” “AH-89-Xtreme,” “HMG Xtreme,” “MMA-3 Xtreme,” “VNS-9 Xtreme,” and “TT-40-Xtreme.”

The FDA has received reports of serious adverse events associated with the use of these products and other similar products. Products like these are frequently marketed as alternatives to anabolic steroids for increasing muscle mass and strength and are sold both online and in retail stores. They are often promoted to athletes to improve sports performance and to aid in recovery from training and sporting events. Although products containing synthetic steroids are frequently marketed as dietary supplements, they are NOT dietary supplements, but instead are unapproved new drugs that have not been reviewed by the FDA for safety and effectiveness.

Adverse event reports received by the FDA for body building products that are labeled to contain steroids or steroid alternatives involve men (ages 22-55) and include cases of serious liver injury, stroke, kidney failure and pulmonary embolism (blockage of an artery in the lung).

Due to the potentially serious health risks associated with using these types of products, the FDA recommends that consumers immediately stop using all body building products that claim to contain steroids or steroid-like substances.