Taylor Hooton Foundation > Hoot’s Corner > General > Dick Butkus Speaks Out Regarding Steroid News
January 16, 2010
Dick Butkus Speaks Out Regarding Steroid News

We are proud to be associated with NFL Legend HOF player Dick Butkus.  We appreciate his partnership in our important quest to drive steroid use out of our high schools.  He issued a statement today regarding this weeks revelations. Don

— 01/15/10 — Pro Football Hall of Fame linebacker Dick Butkus, who is a vocal advocate of playing clean, issued the following statement about steroid revelations this week. “Mark McGwire’s admission of taking illegal steroids was disappointing. But even more disappointing was the assertion that the steroid era is behind us, now that several of baseball’s biggest names have come clean. That’s like believing your home doesn’t have termites because you swept a couple off the front porch. “The steroid problem will continue unless we recognize this is still a serious problem, and deal with it where steroid use begins. The latest university data last month indicated a half-million teens admit to experimenting with steroids. What’s worse, an Old Spice survey a year ago indicated that 85 percent of teens had never received formal education about steroids. Ending the steroids era will require everyone working together to help our next generation of athletes choose to Play Clean, using their natural talent along with training hard, eating well and playing with attitude. “A few years ago, my son Matt and I began a grassroots educational campaign called I Play Clean(TM). I am humbled by the thousands of former players, current players, coaches, parents, teachers, fans and companies who are stepping up to carry the I Play Clean message to teens.

“Specifically, I ask everyone connected to teens and sports to take the I Play Clean pledge atwww.iplayclean.org and to use the educational materials you’ll find there. By doing so, you’ll help protect the long-term health of our teens, and the future of organized sports.”

The I Play Clean program is a project of the Butkus Foundation.