MORE than 800 people in Hull are injecting steroids and performance drugs as young men come under increasing pressure to look good, new figures show.
Details from Hull’s needle exchange show 2,911 people registered with the service between last April and January this year, including people taking steroids to “bulk up” their bodies despite serious risks to their health.
As fears mount over body image disorder
“bigorexia”, 719 people revealed steroids were the primary dug they used, with another 111 saying they used steroids along with other drugs.
Now, Hull City Council is launching a campaign to raise awareness of the dangers and serious side-effects of image and performance enhancing drugs (IPEDs).
Vicky Harris, assistant city manager for public health commissioning, said: “Those who use these drugs often do so in the pursuit of health, youth and appearance, but the side-effects are completely at odds with these goals.”
The city council is teaming up with alcohol and drug treatment service Renew to warn people using steroids and IPEDs of the serious side-effects associated with the drugs.
abusing steroids can grow breast tissue and suffer shrinking testicles, hair loss and aggression.
Women taking performance- enhancing drugs can develop deep voices, suffer fertility problems and start growing facial hair.
Substances classed as IPEDs include anabolic steroids, which can be taken as tablets or injected; peptides, a hormone affecting muscle and bone growth; a range of hormone-based substances, usually used to stimulate muscle growth and repair; and melanotin, which increases melanin levels in skin to make users look tanned.
During the campaign, Renew will be at the on-campus gym at the University of Hull each week this month to provide students and other gym users with information and support.
People can speak directly to Renew staff or pick up information on the risks and the support available.
Ms Harris said: “IPEDs put users at risk of a range of harms, including acne, liver and heart problems, depression, aggression and hair loss.
“Additionally, all intravenous drugs carry a range of risks, including blood-borne viruses and issues related to injecting.
“With this campaign, we hope to reach groups already using these substances and those at risk of becoming users.”
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