Taylor Hooton Foundation > Hoot’s Corner > General > Hooton Presented Distinguished Service Award for Fight Against Steroids
October 28, 2009
Hooton Presented Distinguished Service Award for Fight Against Steroids
I am very honored to be receive the Distinguished Service Award from the United States Sports Academy (www.ussa.edu), America’s Sports University, this week.

Most importantly, I am pleased to see that an organization of this stature recognizes the hard work that our team is doing in the name of my youngest son, Taylor.


October 27, 2009 – USSA Newsletter

Don Hooton received a Distinguished Service Award from the United States Sports Academy recently.

Each year, the United States Sports Academy honors leaders in sport through its Awards of Sport program. Recipients come from all arenas and positions in sport, but share the common characteristic that they are leaders in their area and have made outstanding contributions to national or international sport through education, research, or service.

Hooton was noted for his work to raise awareness of high school students’ growing willingness to use anabolic steroids. Hooton lost his 16-year-old son to depression after using the dangerous substances. That experience led him to establish the Taylor Hooton Foundation.

Hooton’s efforts inspired the Texas Legislature to put into legislation mandatory steroid screening in Texas public schools.

Dr. Donn C. Renwick presented Hooton with his Distinguished Service Award in front of 150 people at the 6th Annual Taylor Hooton Foundation Golf Tournament.

Former recipients include Bud Selig, Gary Player, Cal Ripken, Jr., Emmitt Smith, Tommy Lasorda, George Steinbrenner III, Peter Ueberroth, Lee Travino, Martina Navratilova, and many others.

Dr. Donn C. Renwick, left, a member of the Academy’s distance learning faculty, presents Mr. Don Hooton with a Distinguished Service Award.